Saturday, April 27, 2013

Farewell Party and Appetizers

We have had the pleasure of having Susan visit with us from China for the past few weeks.  Intro worked on hors d'oeuvres and made a cake for Susan's last day.  They made pesto hummus, baked brie, pita chips, cucumber canapes, and sausage balls. Our new friend was very shy, but loved to helo her group in the lab.  One student brought her a Hershey bar to taste America and she left a paper crane with us.  We will miss you Sue!  : )

Farmer's Market and Cakes

We were asked to partner with the Apex Farmer's Marker this year.  We had the opportunity to do a live cooking demo on opening day making fresh ricotta cheese with local herbs and tomatoes for the shoppers.

Culinary I working on cakes!  This is not my forte, but the kids turned out some really neat cakes!  Check out Hannah's below!

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This website is for culinary arts students at Apex High School. The content on this site will enrich what is taught in the course. Use these resources to help you achieve success in the course.